The Most Powerful Way to Hook a Man (And He’s Probably Using It on You!)

by clife30

The Most Powerful Way to Hook a Man (And He’s Probably Using It on You!)

There’s this guy.

He’s so exciting to be with. You always have the best time together.

Even though you’re normally able to relax and be yourself around men, something about this guy makes you want to impress him.

And because you get the feeling he isn’t impressed by many women, you want to be the one who lingers in his mind like a fragrance he can’t forget.

So you end up doing things you wouldn’t ordinarily do. Trying to be more flirtatious or sassy or aloof than you really are.

Sometimes he responds with great pleasure and enthusiasm. Other times, it’s as if he doesn’t even register.

Every so often—not often enough for you to worry about it, but often enough to notice—you catch a slight hint of annoyance. As if he’d be enjoying himself more if you were someone else … if you weren’t YOU.

It catches you off guard. You think he likes you, but does he? Is he just enjoying your company because he enjoys the company of women and you’re a woman?

Or does he see what’s special about you and appreciate it? It’s hard to know.

You consider yourself a fairly independent woman, so it’s weird when you find yourself obsessing over this guy. You don’t even know if you want a relationship with him. Why do you care so much about his opinion of you?

Then it happens.

Friday night comes up, and he hasn’t contacted you to talk about the weekend. You’ve done something together every single weekend for the past month. You try to play it cool by not contacting him. But the entire weekend feels strange. What is he doing? Why didn’t he text?

You feel petulant and needy. Not like you at all. What has this guy done to you? And how can you get his hooks OUT of you?

One of the most powerful forces on human behavior is something known as intermittent reinforcement.

Imagine you’re playing a game. Unbeknownst to you, researchers have designed three versions of this game. They’re timing how long you play each version, so they know which game is the most addictive.

One version of the game is hard. It’s almost impossible to win. It’s so frustrating, in fact, that you can’t figure it out.

Another version of the game is easy. You quickly figure out how to earn points. Over time, it becomes too predictable. You know exactly what you need to do to win, and it isn’t challenging anymore.

The third version of the game has a random element built in. Sometimes, doing an action earns you points. Other times, doing that same action sends you back to the beginning of the game. You can never predict which it will be.

Any guesses as to which game will hold your attention the longest?

Perhaps THE most addictive activity in the world is gambling. Gambling is so addictive because it makes use of intermittent reinforcement. Sometimes, playing the slot machine earns you coins. Other times, it earns you nothing.

You never know which it will be, and that’s keeps you hooked.

So if a man sometimes responds warmly to your flirtatious comments, but other times he doesn’t even seem to notice, and other times he even seems irritated…

What he’s doing is giving you intermittent reinforcement.

You don’t know what reaction you’re going to get from him, and that’s what gets you hooked.

The good guy who always laughs at your jokes and smiles back when you smile at him is easy. Like the predictable game, you know what to do to make him like you. It’s easy to win with guys like this.

The local hottie who always has a dozen girls hanging on his arm and rarely sends a glance your way is too hard. It’s not a game worth playing. Trying to win him over seems like an exercise in frustration.

But the guy who is sometimes unavailable—you’re never sure when you text him whether he’ll want to meet up—sucks you in.

You have such a good time with him that you can’t help wanting to see him again. But sometimes when you reach out, it feels like he’s pushing you away. You can’t figure out what you’ve done wrong.

In those situations, it can help to know that your obsession has nothing to do with genuine chemistry and everything to do with intermittent reinforcement.

This guy is acting like a slot machine. You’re gambling with your heart. And it’s time to break the addiction.

Ask yourself: is this even worth it? Do I even want a relationship with this guy?

If not, then stop playing.

There are better prizes than an unpredictable guy.

Should You Be Your True Self with Men?

by clife30

Should You Be Your True Self with Men?

How far would you be willing to go to meet someone?

There seems to be two schools of thought.

The first says that you should always be yourself, no matter what.

  • Don’t wear a lot of makeup, because if he doesn’t find the “real you” attractive, then he’s not worth it.
  • Don’t fuss a lot with clothes, because he should see you as you normally dress.
  • Steer the conversation towards your favorite topics, then talk his ear off.
  • Always tell the truth up front, even if it might put him off.

The second school says that you should always put your best foot forward, no matter what.

  • Never let him see you without makeup.
  • Always dress in flattering outfits that highlight your best features.
  • Find out what he likes to talk about.
  • Avoid letting him know about possible deal-breakers until after he’s fallen in love with you.

The first school of thought is idealistic. We’d all love to believe that love is simply a matter of seeing the right person and falling for them just as they are. Movies and sitcoms caution us against inauthenticity: pretend to be someone you’re not, and the person you love will find out eventually.

The second school of thought is more pragmatic. After all, you’re not going to walk into a job interview and say, “Here I am! Take me or leave me.”

You’re going to put your best foot forward. You’re going to dress appropriately and practice your answers beforehand. Being polished gives you a better chance of getting your foot in the door.

Both schools of thought have their limitations.

“Love me as I am” is a wonderful motto, if who you are is the best version of yourself.

But if you use that motto to avoid making an effort, then you can shoot yourself in the foot. You expect men to show up clean-shaven, nice-smelling, with clean jeans and a stylish shirt. Why wouldn’t you make an effort, too? Looking attractive for the opposite sex is simply a nice thing to do.

“Always be your best self” is also a wonderful motto, if your best self is authentic and genuine.

But if you use that motto to hide parts of yourself you’re ashamed of, then you run the risk of attracting men under false pretenses. You don’t want a huge gap between who you are on a date and who you are at home.

The solution I have for you today blends the best of both philosophies.

Become your best self for your own sake, not for his. Would you improve yourself even if it had no impact on how men see you? Then do it!

I’ve noticed that, for many of the women I coach, beauty is an end in itself. You guys find it pleasurable to go to the salon, experiment with makeup styles, shop for beautiful clothing, and wear gorgeous shoes. It may be wonderful to receive admiring gazes, but that’s not your main source of pleasure.

You make yourself beautiful because you appreciate beauty. You don’t do it for him. You do it for YOU.

So, should you wear high heels because men like them? Absolutely not.

Should you wear high heels because you feel beautiful in them? Absolutely.

Let’s take another example: how to talk about yourself on a first date.

You can certainly give him the facts of your life straight-up. You can tell him everything he needs to know, from your childhood to the present day. You can feel satisfied that you’ve been absolutely honest with him.

But isn’t your biography just another story?

You can’t summarize your life in a few hours. It’s taken you many years to live it. By necessity, you choose what to tell about yourself. You include certain parts and leave other parts out. Heavy editing is required.

So why not edit it in a way that brings pleasure? Why not focus on all the good and wonderful things that have happened? Why not share the very best of your life with him?

You may choose not to talk about your difficult childhood or the job you hate. Instead, you may choose to talk about how much you’re enjoying your dance lessons, or how much you’re looking forward to traveling. Your hopes and dreams are just as much a part of you as your past.

Should you be positive in order to avoid telling him anything that might put him off? Absolutely not.

Should you be positive in order to share what brings you joy with him? Absolutely.

It’s the intention that matters.

So choose to feel beautiful, positive and happy for your own sake. A guy who is right for you will adore the results.

Your Crush: “She’s Just So Refreshing.”

Angie was excited when she met Scott. He seemed to be everything she wanted. An embodiment of the very affirmation she held over the past two months while working.

I knew she was truly smitten with love when she said, “He just makes my heart sing!” That phrase was a part of an affirmation we had been working on since day one.

In my initial assessment of Angie’s situation, it became apparent that she had a self-defeating belief about relationships. There are many variations of this particular belief, but the general theme of it was this: “Guys are all pigs. True romance is a Hollywood illusion.”

This was an unconscious belief for Angie. It became apparent as we began discussing what kind of guy she would be really happy with.

We were trying to get through an worksheet on building a positive vision for the kind of guy she wanted to find. We were both in tears from laughing so hard by the time we got to the sixth item on the worksheet. Because every time Angie began to say something good she would like to find in a man, she had two sarcastic reasons why such a man could never actually exist!

The more we talked about it, the clearer it became to both of us that deep down in her heart, she did not believe any man would actually rise to the challenge of joining her in a truly satisfying relationship.

Your Beliefs Determine Much of Your Reality.

So we got to work on replacing that relationship-sabotaging belief with a new, more empowering one.

The new belief went like this: “I fully accept all the love and joy I experience because of my open embrace of a man who truly knows how to make my heart sing.”

This was a very personal affirmation for Angie. There is deep personal meaning in the particular words she chose. But it contains a general theme that’s helpful for many women. A positive expectation for something truly worthwhile.

In fact, that affirmation embodies one of the themes you will find in much of my advice about men, dating, and even yourself. Expect the best, demand the best, embrace the best, and you will get the best out of men and your relationships with them. It’s not just a catchy theme. It’s a rock solid foundation for real life results.

But I need to warn you about something.

I encourage you to give deeply of yourself in relationships. I encourage you to find special ways of demonstrating respect to bring out the best in the men you meet. But there is a warning that must go along with these positive expectations and selfless expressions of love:

Not all men are deserving of your love and devotion.

I wish I did not need to write this particular email, but this is a twin truth that forms the whole. There are men that are not your equal. There are men that do not deserve you.

It is important to me that you recognize this and that you recognize your authority and right to take all measures necessary to release yourself from interaction with toxic men.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a man that is abusive, bring the full power of your mind to the immediate first step of leaving that relationship behind.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a man that threatens or uses fear of any kind to manipulate you, no amount of respect will make that relationship into a good one.

Here is the message I want to make clear. The respect principle is a tool to empower you , as a woman, to bring out the very best in a man and cause him to feel attracted to you. But it has no place in a relationship with a man who does not intrinsically desire to reciprocate that respect.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let me call your attention to your own affirmations. I want to encourage you to fully commit to finding a partner who can join you in creating lasting love and happiness. That kind of commitment can be difficult if you have had negative experiences with men in the past.

In the end, a commitment stems from a solid decision about what you want to pursue with your life. As such, your commitments are powerful shapers of your future.

A commitment is a promise to take action. The action of bringing your attention back to the decisions you made for your life over and over again. A commitment means sticking with your decision even in the face of disappointments.

What decisions have you made about the kind of relationship you will be a part of? Have you made a choice yet? Have you committed in your heart and mind to pursue the very best kind of relationship?

Your commitments will serve as protection against false relationships. And they will create powerful magnetic attraction with the right kind of man you truly desire. Make your commitments strong.


Are You Right for Each Other? The One True Test of Relationship Compatibility

relationship compatibility

When I was in high school, there was a man named Stephan who had it all. He was tall with a pretty face and a nice figure.

His dad was one of the richest guys in town and gave him the choice of any brand-new car he wanted for his sixteenth birthday. Nearly all the popular girls in our school stood in line for their turn to date him.

I did not stand in line.

If you asked me if he was an attractive person, I would have said “yes” without a second thought. However, I was not attracted to the idea of myself in his presence. He was taller than me by a good inch. He wore clothes that made mine look shabby.

And the worst thing was his silly way of interacting with people. I was very serious during my high school years, and I took pride in the accomplishments I was already pursuing at that early age.

Stephan liked to engage people with as much silly banter as he could. It’s not that I couldn’t see the value of that playful style of interaction; it’s just that it didn’t play to my strong suit.

I could imagine myself feeling awkward and unlikable compared to him when trying to interact with his friends. In contrast, my friends looked up to me for my tendency to deeply consider questions before responding. I had my silly side too, but I wouldn’t want to be that version of myself twenty-four-seven.

Here’s what I’m getting at…

When I am attracted to you, it means I want more of you in my life. Even beyond that though, attraction means I enjoy being me when I am in your presence.

I don’t know if you have noticed this, but you change depending on who you are spending time with.

Some people draw out one facet of your personality while other people pull for another facet of your personality. Like a diamond with many facets carved into the stone, the light you reflect back at others changes depending on your surroundings.

“Some people are so much sunshine per square inch.” That’s a quote from Walt Whitman. His statement captures so much truth. I personally like myself better when I am in the company of people who have that special “sunshine” quality.

The sunshine quality is very different than the silly quality. You can be reserved in your demeanor yet beaming with sunshine as someone approaches you to strike up a conversation.

It’s not that I like a sunny kind of person more than I like a sad person. I love them both; but I like myself better when I spend time with a woman who has that special sort of “sunshine” quality.

“Live life as a monument to your soul.”

Ayn Rand

relationship compatibility

Here’s the number-one reason why I think you should consider how a potential partner brings out various facets of your own personality. My reasoning is reflected in the quote above. I want my soul to shine as I live my life. Therefore, I want to choose a partner who will help my soul to genuinely shine.

Does this make sense to you? Do you only look at the qualities and characteristics of a potential partner, or do you consider how they magnify or dull the radiance of your own best qualities?

Always on your side,


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This one secret obsession holds the key to winning a man’s love, attention, and total devotion for LIFE but not one woman in a thousand even knows it exists!

And those that do almost never share it with another soul. CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR DISCOUNT!!!

First impressions are forever. So how do you make the best of them?

Hey, it’s clife30. 

Have you ever laughed so hard while drinking a soda that you accidentally sprayed it out through your nose?

Well if you have, it’s probably something you won’t be forgetting anytime soon. And not just the feeling of having that soda spray out of your nose, but also what caused you to laugh so hard!

That exact thing just happened to a friend of mine because she was laughing too hard at a friend’s story. And she’s not likely to forget who was there and what they were talking about.

Think about the last time you had a really fun, exciting time with a group of friends. Chances are you had some hilarious or lively conversations that got you all laughing and having a good time. 

And a big part of that memorable bonding experience is the topic of your conversations.

In a moment, I’ll show you what conversation topics work best to win a guy over – Starting from your very first date!

One thing I’m really big on is showing you how to change the way a man feels when he’s around you. 

If his first experience with you is exciting and intriguing, chances are that’s how he will feel about you and remember you. 

Let me show you a good example of how this works. 

There was a bizarre psychological research study done to see how easily people were influenced by subtle things that they weren’t consciously aware of. 

They wanted to know if carefully placed words here and there could affect the way people felt and acted.

Psychologists gave research subjects lists of words that seemed random. But all the words had a very subtle connection.

For example, one was, “foam, horse, and shell.” (Can you guess what these words have in common?)

Most people don’t consciously notice an association. But sophisticated research methods have revealed that your mind becomes primed to think of the sea when exposed to these three words as a group.

(The connection is sea foam, seahorse, and seashell…all containing the word “sea”).

Anyway, the psychologists used this “priming effect” to get research subjects to unconsciously think about old people (using a different set of words but same idea).

Afterward, they secretly timed how long it took the participants to walk down a hallway to another room.

Those who were exposed to “old people” words unconsciously adopted a slower pace of movement. Those exposed to other mental associations walked faster.

Crazy right?

How to Use This Information To Get Him Attracted and Interested:

Now, I’m setting a bad example. I don’t recommend that you launch into a story about a research study on a date (unless you are both Ph.D. students with a common interest or something).

But I want you to recognize something important. Your date will unconsciously associate YOU with whatever topics you discuss on a date with him.

His experience of you is very limited at first. First impressions are formed quickly, based primarily on how he feels in your presence. But the effect is still there even after years of spending time together.

So here’s my advice. Tap into peak life experiences.

A peak life experience is a fun adventure, a moment of happiness upon getting a new job, or a great vacation that he will never forget. It’s any memory that pulls up a well of positive emotions.

It’s easy to ask bland questions about his work and how many siblings he grew up with. But those topics will not generate the kind of feelings you want him to associate with being in your presence.

Don’t interview your date about facts. You can always come back to learning the details about him later. But don’t start there.

Instead, start with spontaneous, fun conversations. Start by tapping into his memories in search of peak life experiences.

If you want an easy list of topics to pull from that men LOVE to talk about (plus common things women talk about the actually turn men off!) 

Then CLICK HERE to get more on the website,

Talk to you soon!

Introducing “The Butterfly Method” to Survive the Storms in Your Relationship

People will judge you for trying hard.

I did it just the other day. I was standing in line at Walmart. The line was moving slow, and I couldn’t help but notice something.

Walmart had invested in 30 cash registers, yet only two of them were open.

I snickered at how stupid Walmart is. Then I remembered something.

I’m standing in line because they accomplished something difficult. They managed to give me the best price in town. And still make a profit.

Maybe they’re not so stupid.

Maybe having only two cash registers open helps them keep prices down.

They try hard. I have to admire that.

But a lot of “cool people” snicker at those of us who try hard. Giving up and being pessimistic is cool to these people.

Sorry, but that’s not my definition of cool.

Cool is trying hard even if you might fall on your face. Cool is trying again even after you’ve failed several times before.

Cool is the boyfriend who still holds doors open, tells his girlfriend she’s beautiful, and offers to carry things for her while showing respect. Those are real men. They try hard.

Don’t be afraid to try hard. You’ll attract the kind qualities you build up in yourself.

If you want a man who will try hard, someone who will overcome obstacles in the relationship so he can keep loving you, then look for this one quality: Rejection of cynicism.

Someone who’s not afraid to openly talk about what he wants. Someone who’s not too cool to try. Not too cool to admit some things are worth caring about.

But should you always try hard?

They say life is a balance between holding on and letting go.

Caught in a windstorm, a butterfly may have to release its grip on the branch it was clinging to. Or else its wings could be torn off by the intensity of the wind.

The butterfly must go with the flow. Allow the wind to take control. Stop resisting.

But that’s not the same thing as giving up. When the wind dies down, the butterfly can resume its journey.

I was amazed when I first learned that monarchs migrate thousands of miles each year to gather at a specific location in Mexico. They seem too delicate for that long journey.

But somehow, they manage. Apparently, they try hard. One day life might blow them off course. The next day they’re moving toward their goal again.

Trying hard says something about you. It says you value something. Something is meaningful enough to be worth your effort.

You’re not too cool to embrace something good… even if it’s hard to achieve it. Even if you fall on your face a few times.

Even if you sometimes have to let go and let the wind blow you off course for a while.

Relationships are among those things I value. I think it’s worth trying hard to have a brilliant relationship.

If you read my blog, you probably agree. And in my mind, that makes you special. So I encourage you to look for a man who shares that special quality.

Find meaning. Embrace life. Try hard.

Always on your side,


Attention Women: Never Again Sit By And Watch As Your Man’s Eyes Wander!

Discover The Secret To Grabbing A Man’s Attention, Making A Lasting Connection And Inspiring Him To Take Things To The Next Level.

Important: Read this letter BEFORE the next time you talk to a man you’re interested in.

From: clife30

Have you ever wanted to flirt with a man, but felt too self-conscious to start?

Have you ever been in a relationship that started off great, but slowly faded and became stale and boring?

There’s no question that flirting is the life-blood of any lasting and successful relationship.

But why do some women have that natural chemistry and flow while others struggle?

It seems like they’re hardly trying at all, but they’re easily able to create that witty dialogue, that chemistry and “pull” whenever they want to.

Well the good news is, there’s a formula to it.

A tool you can use to not only grab a man’s attention in the moment, but even create an emotional attraction that lasts forever.

You see, there’s a wrong way and a right way to flirt with a man, and much of what works is distinctly counter-intuitive.

At it’s core, flirting is nothing more than the language of interest.

But as texting, Facebook, and all the other digital distractions become more and more prominent, the ability to flirt becomes increasingly difficult.

How many times have you gone to say something to a guy…

…but his face is glued to his smart phone

…or he’s absorbed in the football game

…or he’s on his laptop, and the most you can get out of him is a half-hearted “uh huh…”

Times are rapidly changing, and your ability to attract and rivet a man’s attention is now more important than ever.

That’s why in this exciting new Irresistible Insight I’m going to show you…

A Secret Weapon for triggering powerful instincts in a man, and awakening his deeply rooted biological drive to build a real and lasting relationship with you.

When you follow this step-by-step report, you never have to worry about feeling awkward or embarrassed when flirting.

It’s specifically designed to take you from zero to irresistible in the quickest, most fun, and most natural way possible.

You’ll start to see a difference immediately…

He’ll automatically feel a powerful “pull” towards you.

He’ll get a distinct and subtle feeling that you’re attracted to him… which will trigger some of his powerful instincts to want to connect with you.

The goal is to deepen the messages of interest hidden between the lines of your communication, and when you do… things start moving fast.

I must admit, this is one of the funnest Irresistible Insights I’ve done so far, because I’m always excited to see how quickly it can transform a relationship.

I’ve spent a tremendous amount of time reading and researching on the cutting edge of what works and what doesn’t when it comes to flirting.


Because flirting is one of the most high-impact relationship skills you can learn.

I also included my most valuable findings from hundreds of notes gathered from spending hours and hours consulting with women who needed to improve their flirting skills.

As with all of my Irresistible Insights, I aim to provide you with a straight-forward solution you can start using right now.

This compact, 19-page report reveals everything you need to know to take your flirting skills to the next level so you can create the emotional and physical attraction that makes all the difference.

But on top of that.

I’ve included a question and answer section that covers what to do in common scenarios that might come up.

And on top of that, I made a special video for this II to explain everything you need to know in great detail. I won’t leave any stone unturned.

In this powerful bundle, you won’t find any fluff or theory… just the raw steps and advice you need to know to become the fun, attractive, and flirty woman he can’t resist.

Here’s Just a LITTLE of What You’ll Discover Inside…

  • The best way to introduce yourself and start a conversation that creates feelings of warmth, connection and desire. (This helps him to relax about his fear of rejection.)
  • The fine art of flirting with a long-term partner in such a way that you reignite that sense of excitement, mystery, and attraction that is too often lost.
  • The #1 factor that makes a new relationship so exciting, and how you can
  • The Secret to digital flirting – How to use email, text messages, or even Facebook to fill him with eager excitement, attraction, and anticipation for you.
  • How to create a “Secret World” with you man full of inside jokes, personal references and memories – And how to bring him into it whenever you want.
  • Exactly how to hold back a little and use curiosity to your advantage. (This is the secret to creating intoxicating mystery and suspense men can’t resist)
  • The little-known eye contact trick that subconsciously triggers the chemicals of desire in his brain. (This signals to him that you’re attracted to him, and causes him to be much more attentive and interested in you.)
  • How to not only fill him with a sense of excitement and intrigue, but even ignite his desire to be chivalrous and romantic.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…

Flirting is the life-blood of any lasting and successful relationship.

Whether you’re in the beginning phases of finding romance, or you’ve been with your man for decades, The Art Of Flirting is your secret weapon for ensuring that your relationship is ALWAYS exciting and interesting.

Don’t let the size just 19 pages fool you.

Hundreds of hours of research, and real-life “in the trenches” experience went into this compact report.

Never Let The Attraction Fade Again

Right now, you have in front of you the secret to your man’s undying attraction, interest, and desire.

I’ve devoted my life to helping women realize their full potential and
have the happiness they deserve, and deciding on the right man is one
of the most important decisions you can make, so I want to do this for

So if you find yourself at this crucial crossroads, unsure of what to do, and if you need a proven step-by-step plan for confidently making the right choice that you’ll never regret, then this is specifically for you.


  • Having the ability to make a man feel he has to get closer to you…
  • Being able to signal to a man that he makes you happy… that you’re attracted to him… that you want to get to know him better – All without having to SAY it.
  • Finally being able to relax because you never having to worry about the relationship going stale again.

And the best part is, if you follow these simple steps, it will become second nature!

I Want To Make You A Limited Time Offer!!!

What Your Relationship Mistakes Say about You

What Your Relationship Mistakes Say about You

Do you worry much?

One of the things I see a lot in people is worry about relationship decisions and relationship mistakes from the past.

Many of the women I talk to worry they’ve made the wrong choices. Stayed in the wrong relationship too long. Let go of the wrong guy. Put off looking for Mr. Right until it was too late.

They’re worried they’re going to pay a steep price for what they’ve done. They don’t know if they’ll ever get the love they desire, and it’s all because of what happened in the past. If only they could go back and do it all over again!

No doubt about it, making mistakes hurts.

But if that’s all you focus on—the pain of past mistakes—your beliefs become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Life becomes harder. Your past sabotages you at every turn.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could wave a magic wand and make all your past mistakes go away?

You don’t need a magic wand. You have all the power you need, right inside your own mind.

I’m going to show you how every mistake you’ve ever made in love can actually boost you towards greater relationship success. All it takes is a simple switch in perspective…

Your mistakes do not make you a failure.

They’re your badge of experience, and here’s why.

1. People who learn from their mistakes do better than people who beat themselves up over them.

It’s a myth that there’s anyone out there who never makes stupid mistakes.

Even women in dream marriages will tell you quite frankly that they’ve made more than their fair share of mistakes. It was a long road to get to where they are now. They know just how lucky they are.

But luck didn’t have as much to do with it as they think.

I’ve found that how successful a person is in relationships strongly correlates to how they feel about mistakes, whether their own or someone else’s.

If you feel that your mistakes make you less worthy as a person, then you’ll find relationships more difficult. You’ll feel enormous pressure to do everything right. You’ll beat yourself up over the slightest misstep. Being in a relationship will make you feel anxious, stressed, and worried. There’s just so much that could go wrong.

If, on the other hand, you look on each mistake as a learning experience, you’ll find relationships much easier. You’ll find it easier to relax and be yourself. You’ll be more accepting of all the ways in which life doesn’t go as planned. He’ll love the way you can laugh at yourself without taking yourself too seriously. It shows how confident you are—and makes you pretty cool, too.

2. Being able to forgive yourself makes you better able to forgive others.

The more mistakes you make—and the bigger they are—the more opportunities you have to cultivate the skill of forgiveness.

Have you ever noticed how it’s easier to forgive other people than it is to forgive yourself?

We understand that not everyone can be perfect, but we won’t let ourselves off the hook.

So, if you can forgive yourself for all the dumb things you’ve ever done, then it follows that you’ll be reallygood at forgiving him for doing stupid things.

Forgiveness is an essential relationship skill. One study found couples who managed to stay married for over 20 years had ten clearly defined traits that set them apart—and the ability to forgive and be forgiven was on the list.

3. Mistakes make your relationship stronger.

Another myth that leads us astray is the notion that we should aim for relationships that never have any problems.

We want smooth sailing. We don’t want anything to upset the apple cart. Surely the perfect relationship is the one where nothing goes wrong … or is it?

If you’re aiming for a long-term relationship, then you won’t be able to avoid challenges. Even if you’re the most well-matched couple on the planet, life will throw obstacles in your way. From financial struggles to health issues, problems are a normal part of most relationships.

And that’s a good thing.

Working through problems together is how we exercise our relationship muscles. We learn how to listen to one another, respect one another’s point of view, and move forward as a team.

Couples without problems never get that chance. Something big happens, and they can’t cope. They’ve never developed the skills to face adversity together.

So be more gentle with yourself when you make mistakes. They’re your greatest teachers.

His Secret Obsession

Discover something every man is secretly obsessed with.

It’s something he CRAVES… More than love, more than money, even more than sex.

This one secret obsession holds the key to winning a man’s love, attention, and total devotion for LIFE but not one woman in a thousand even knows it exists!

And those that do almost never share it with another soul.

Want to master dating and relationships? Then just learn one rule.

Hey, its clife30. 

Sure, relationships are complex. There are a lot of moving parts. But there’s one guiding principle that brings everything else into alignment.

It’s just one rule, and it’s so important that nothing else matters if you get this one thing wrong.

More than likely you’ve heard the phrase, “alone in a crowd.” You’ve probably even experienced it.

You’re hanging out with friends, but feel no real sense of connection. You join in conversation, but you don’t feel like anyone is on the same wave-length as you.

You’re in close physical proximity, but you’re miles apart emotionally.

That’s what it means to be alone in a crowd.

And it sucks.

It’s a deflating feeling because people you should feel connected to are right there.

And as disappointing as that can be, it’s even worse when it happens with your partner. Then it’s not just deflating. It’s demoralizing. And it’s poison to the intimacy you’ve worked so hard to build.

That brings me to the single most important rule for relationships. Never let the person you love feel alone, especially when he’s in your presence.

After all, that’s why we seek out relationships. For companionship. We don’t want to feel alone. So the most important thing you can do in any relationship is to guard that feeling of connection.

While the rule is simple, mastering it takes time and practice.

The good news is there’s a way to make mastering the rule a little easier.


Always on your side,

Master Romantic Relationships with One Rule

Hey, it’s clife30. 

Sure, relationships are complex. There are a lot of moving parts. But there’s one guiding principle that brings everything else into alignment.

It’s just one rule, and it’s so important that nothing else matters if you get this one thing wrong.

More than likely you’ve heard the phrase, “alone in a crowd.” You’ve probably even experienced it.

You’re hanging out with friends, but feel no real sense of connection. You join in conversation, but you don’t feel like anyone is on the same wave-length as you.

You’re in close physical proximity, but you’re miles apart emotionally.

That’s what it means to be alone in a crowd.

And it sucks.

It’s a deflating feeling because people you should feel connected to are right there.

And as disappointing as that can be, it’s even worse when it happens with your partner. Then it’s not just deflating. It’s demoralizing. And it’s poison to the intimacy you’ve worked so hard to build.

That brings me to the single most important rule for relationships. Never let the person you love feel alone, especially when he’s in your presence.

After all, that’s why we seek out relationships. For companionship. We don’t want to feel alone. So the most important thing you can do in any relationship is to guard that feeling of connection.

While the rule is simple, mastering it takes time and practice.

The good news is there’s a way to make mastering the rule a little easier.

Continue Reading….

Want to master dating and relationships? Then just learn one rule.

Master Romantic Relationships with One Rule

most important relationship rule

Want to master dating and relationships? Then just learn one rule.

Sure, relationships are complex. There are a lot of moving parts. But there’s one guiding principle that brings everything else into alignment.

It’s just one rule, and it’s so important that nothing else matters if you get this one thing wrong.

More than likely you’ve heard the phrase, “alone in a crowd.” You’ve probably even experienced it.

You’re hanging out with friends, but feel no real sense of connection. You join in conversation, but you don’t feel like anyone is on the same wave-length as you.

You’re in close physical proximity, but you’re miles apart emotionally.

That’s what it means to be alone in a crowd.

And it sucks.

It’s a deflating feeling because people you should feel connected to are right there.

And as disappointing as that can be, it’s even worse when it happens with your partner. Then it’s not just deflating. It’s demoralizing. And it’s poison to the intimacy you’ve worked so hard to build.

That brings me to the single most important rule for relationships. Never let the person you love feel alone, especially when he’s in your presence.

After all, that’s why we seek out relationships. For companionship. We don’t want to feel alone. So the most important thing you can do in any relationship is guard that feeling of connection.

While the rule is simple, mastering it takes time and practice.

The good news is there’s a way to make mastering the rule a little easier.

Find a teacher. And your best teacher? It is your own experience.

Think about those times you’ve felt alone, even in the presence of people who care about you.

Go back there in your imagination. Try to recall the things that made you feel isolated.

Was it that your friend had an agenda to look cool rather than listen and connect? Was she trying to be the center of attention? Was it that no one even bothered to ask why you looked like you were in a funk? Identify the specifics that left you feeling alone.

Those experiences are your teacher. Just do the opposite.

The situations that make us feel alone tend to be universal. That means the things that leave you feeling disconnected are likely to have the very same effect on your guy.

This method also works for creating positive moments of connection.

Think of times when you felt truly understood and connected. Learn from those moments in your life. Look to those moments as unique advice specifically for you.

It’s advice about what works between you and your guy. Let those moments strengthen your relationship.

most important relationship rule

While I could give you specific ideas for creating a sense of connection, I won’t. Instead, I strongly encourage you to take the mental journey described above. Search your memories. Let them teach you.

Your approach will end up being far more personal that way. As a result, it will work better in your unique relationship.

Use your own experience as a guide to keep your guy from feeling disconnected. And use it to intentionally strengthen the bond you share.

5 Mysteries of the Male Brain

Couple flirting in front of offices

Male and female brains are different. Sometimes very different. 

It all comes back to what happens in the womb. Before we’re even born, our brains begin to develop. 

During this time, the male brain is powerfully influenced by the presence of testosterone.

Some men end up with a lot of very masculine tendencies, while others have fewer.Nonetheless, most guys think in fairly predictable ways. 

If you’ve spent much time with a man who has a very masculine brain, you’ve likely noticed at least a couple of quirks. 

But before I get to those, a word of caution.

While you might think of these as annoyances, it’s important to remember that his brain isn’t built like yours. When a guy exhibits one of these traits, he’s not being stubborn, rude or unsympathetic. He’s just using his brain the way it was made!

That said, here are five mysteries of the male brain that may leave you scratching your head:

  1. He doesn’t notice things. You hang a holiday wreath on the front door. He walks in through that door. You ask him what he thinks of the new wreath and he has to walk back outside to look at it. He didn’t even see it on the way in!
  2. He craves control. Even when you’re just watching TV together, it’s critical that he has possession of the remote. It’s like the experience is diminished if you’re holding it. What’s more, he may end up just flipping through channels in an unending quest to make sure he’s not missing something better.
  3. He’s too solution-oriented. You come home after a hard day at work. He listens to you vent for a bit. Sensing that you’re anxious, but failing to understand that you really just want to share your feelings, he immediately starts trying to “solve the problem.” You want support, but he’s all about finding a solution.
  4. He misses what you just said. You’re the only two people in the room. You say something. He misses it completely, even though he may have nodded or said, “Sure.” His attention was simply somewhere else.
  5. He has a one-track mind. He can be so focused on the computer, the TV or a book that he gets irritated when you try to talk to him. You end up having to interrupt him several times just to be heard. And when you finally get his attention, he’s visibly annoyed.

Some of those scenarios are kind of funny. Some of them are down-right irritating. But I’m not sharing this list with you to pick on men. 

Instead, I’m trying to call attention to the fact that men and women are fundamentally different in some ways. And some of those differences are what attract us to one another!

The yin and yang of human gender is what draws us together. When we learn to work with those differences instead of bucking against them, a beautiful balance is created.

Don’t beat your guy over the head for thinking like a man. Yes, he may hog the remote. He may miss something you literally just said. He may even fail to notice the new painting you hung in his apartment as an early Christmas present. But there’s one huge benefit.

If you understand how a man thinks, you can pull on his heartstrings like no other woman in his life.

As a dating and relationship coach, it’s my privilege to share with you one secret of the male mind that can addict him to you forever.

It’s a quirk of the male mind causes him to be obsessed with a particular need. I’m talking about a relationship need that makes him feel like a man. It’s something most men don’t even realize they want. 

That’s okay, because in the short video presentation below, I can show you what he wants and how you can use his desire to draw him closer.

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